Hand Protection | Manchester Safety Services
Our selection of disposable and non-disposable protective gloves are intelligently designed to ensure that the hands of you and your workforce are protected all times from lacerations, spills and accidents. From disposable gloves produced to keep the skin safe whilst handling chemicals to reinforced handling for heavyweight jobs; Manchester Safety Services has got the hand wear to protect your digits.
We stock a wide range of general handling gloves, all ergonomically designed for specific jobs and roles. Many of the gloves offer additional wrist and forearm protection to ensure that your safety is fully ensured. All of the gloves are designed to ensure that hand movement is not inhibited in any way, affording workers the opportunity to fully and comprehensively complete the job at hand.
Selected general handling gloves benefit from modern grip technology, making it simpler and safer for wearers to ensure safe handling is present throughout labour.
Our general handling gloves are made from a variety of high quality materials including latex, PVC and polyurethane.
We stock both powdered and non-powdered disposable gloves for single-use needs. Available in packs of 100, our disposable gloves can help protect the entire workforce’s hands from hazardous materials and chemicals.
TraffiGlove invented the original colour-coded traffic light system that shows you the cut protection level of your gloves at a glance. This innovative and proven hand protection system is reducing hand accidents and saving costs across a range of industries around the world